The Sycamore Student's Routine

We understand the importance of establishing a structured routine in an online distance learning environment to foster student independence and responsibility, with parental support in managing these routines.

Table of Contents

Daily Routine

We understand the need to effectively establish a routine especially in the online distance learning setting. 

With this, students are required to follow a schedule that will enable them to exercise independence, develop a deeper sense of responsibility and self-discipline even as they learn from home. As learning partners, parents are expected to maintain and help manage the routines set in place.

A typical day at The Sycamore is shown in the table below. Please note that the before- and after-school activities are suggestions that are encouraged to be implemented in the household in order to help students have fun and be productive as well.

Daily Activities

06:00 to 07:00 AM

Prepare for school and start your day with Four B’s:

Official School Hours

08:00 to 11:50 AM

Morning classes

Please refer to your class schedule for the complete list of subjects.

Official School Hours

12:30 to 03:30 PM

Afternoon classes

Please refer to your class schedule for the complete list of subjects.

03:30 to 06:00 PM

Travel back home, do homework, assist in chores, unwind, and exercise.

06:00 to 09:00 PM

Evening routines.

Friday Routines

Friday Activities

07:00 to 08:00 AM

Prepare for school and start your day with Four B’s:

Official School Hours

08:00 to 12:00 PM

Asynchronous Work + Teacher Consultation Time

9:00 AM to 12:00 PM: Guided Online Consultation

If needed, teachers are available for face-to-face consultation via the designated video conferencing application. All video sessions must be scheduled with the teacher.

Official School Hours

01:30 to 03:30 PM

Asynchronous Work

Teacher consultation is mainly through messaging on Google Chat or emailing through the LMS.

03:30 to 06:00 PM

Clean the workspace, unwind, exercise, practice backyard farming, and help with chores.

06:00 to 09:00 PM

Evening routines.

Safety Measures Before Going to School

Since we are continuing our hybrid learning setup this year, the health and safety of the students and faculty are of utmost importance, especially in doing in-person classes. With this, the following safety measures must be ensured before going to school.

Checklist Before Leaving Home for School

The Sycamore's Way of Online Distance Learning

You may also check out the video and let this little Juan show you how online distance learning is done The Sycamore Way!
This video was conceptualized, created and directed by Jaime Morados (Sycamore Class of 2019).
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