Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about The Sycamore Center for Education, Progressive Education, and the Sonlight Curriculum.

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What curriculum does The Sycamore Center for Education offer?

The Sycamore provides a Christ-centered, literature-rich, project-based curriculum aimed towards developing life skills for the 21st century through literacy and collaboration.  We use Sonlight, a Christian homeschooling curriculum, modified and adapted for a classroom setting with one teacher per subject per year level.

What are the subjects offered by The Sycamore?

The core and major subjects are Bible, History and Geography, English Language Arts and Literacy, Filipino, Science, and Mathematics. 

Minor subjects vary between Primary Cluster (Grades 1-5) and Secondary Cluster (Grades 6-10) but are all within three categories: (1) Music and Arts, (2) Health and Physical Education, and (3) Home Economics, Information and Communications Technology, and Livelihood Education.

What references and reading materials are used by The Sycamore students?

Our booklists across all grade levels include award-winning literary classics and Sonlight-recommended literature books.

The Primary Cluster uses Usborne Science books and McGraw-Hill My Math books, while the Secondary Cluster uses Apologia Science books and Math Teaching Textbooks. Parents will be asked to purchase some ebooks, but mostly, the subject teachers will be providing references and reading materials as needed.

What is the schoolyear going to be like at The Sycamore Center for Education?

The Sycamore will have in-person classes from Mondays to Thursdays. Fridays are dedicated to Independent Work in their respective residences wherein the students will work on their assignments, and do online consultations. Fridays are also dedicated to school events and activities.

What is the application process for incoming students?

To enroll at The Sycamore, start by inquiring through email or phone to Teacher Haznah, followed by a parent meeting, pre-evaluation, and reservation. The process concludes with registration and enrollment, requiring submission of various documents, including a registration form, birth certificate, previous report card, school recommendation, and medical certifications, with an option for digital submission of these documents.

How do you assess incoming students?

We do not have an Entrance Exam but we do conduct assessments.

Grades 1-5 will have a scheduled assessment to evaluate readiness for the incoming grade level. Please refer to the schedule given in the “What is the application process for incoming students” FAQ.

Grades 6-10 will be asked to present a copy of their current report card. An interview will be conducted with the enrolling student with the Secondary cluster coordinator and the potential homeroom teacher. An assessment may be scheduled if necessary.

Assessments include Reading Comprehension, Listening, Writing, and Math skills.

Assessment schedules will start from March to July.

When does enrollment start?

Enrollment for S.Y. 2023-2024 is currently ongoing. You may send us a message or call us.

Enrollment for S. Y. 2024-2025 will start on May 15 – June 15, 2024. 

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